Fine Arts 2 – 0836CP         Grades 10 – 12            1 Credit Full Year

Fine Arts 2 is a full-year high school course that builds on the skills and knowledge gained in Fine Arts 1. This course emphasizes the exploration of various mediums, techniques, and styles to create unique and expressive artworks. Fine Arts 2 is aligned with the MA Visual Art Standards and utilizes the Studio Habits of Mind to foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. The curriculum focuses on observational figure drawing, printing, and painting, as well as community-based group projects and a range of cultural and historical perspectives in art history and contemporary art. Through this course, students will develop a stronger understanding of the elements of art and principles of design while creating their own unique solutions to creative challenges.
Pre-requisite: Fine Arts 1

Click here for Fine Arts 2 Gallery of FHS Student Work